Tag Archives: habit

I’m a dreamer but not a procrastinator.

I’m a dreamer but not a procrastinator.

Who are you?

Are you a dreamer?

Are you a procrastinator?


Are you a dreamer and a procrastinator both?

Is it bad to be a dreamer?? Tell me. You know what according to my point of view; it is actually not bad to be a dreamer. Persons who are dreamers are the one who become achievers later. It’s a talent actually to envision great things.

And I’m a firm believer of the fact that people can achieve whatever they envision. You know what our mind has this great talent of envisioning spectacular things, that we can actually try to accomplish, to be successful and happier in our respective lives. But, we don’t take our mind seriously and just like any other stupid random thought, dump it in the trash bin of our brain. If only we would think of reconsidering it once, then the random ideas/dreams won’t appear unachievable or mere stupidity to us.

 Okay, that is story of one section of people. Then again there is another group of people, who for the initial time frame takes the spectacular ideas popping in their minds seriously, but they also have the habit of procrastination. And since procrastination comes easily to them, the validity of the ideas expire eventually (they forget what the idea/dream was).

For achieving success merely being a dreamer or being an idea generating machine is not enough. Neither should you have the habit of procrastination. You must have the guts to dream and even more guts to work towards accomplishing that dream.

So, it’s time you ask yourself who you are actually and what do you want to be? Keep a track of your ideas in a journal or a diary, so that you won’t end up forgetting everything. It always helps to share your dreams with somebody whom you can trust and confide your feelings with him/her. It’s easy to procrastinate if you keep your dreams restricted within you. When you share it with somebody, he/ she keeps you reminding towards working for accomplishing your dreams and also provides the much-needed motivation. Hope you people have a great time dreaming and even a wonderful time making your dreams come true.

 Hope you liked this post and I would be glad if my little article has actually pushed you to take a higher leap towards fulfilling your dreams. Do not forget to give your feedback. Your feedback’s are much valued.




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Posted by on May 16, 2015 in life, motivation


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