Tag Archives: sedentary lifestyle

Sitting disease: cure it before it’s too late

Sitting disease: cure it before it’s too late

sitting is the new smoking.

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Are you a couch potato? If not thank yourself, you are just immune to sitting disease. But on the other hand if you are a couch potato, beware; you might just make yourself sick with sitting disease. A lot of you might be thinking what the hell is this sitting disease??  And what is she blabbering about??. But, mind people I am just talking some serious stuff.

Sitting disease is not a disease actually, but it is a habit that could eventually be the stepping stone to many diseases. It refers to the state of not being active enough and leading a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting has actually become the new smoking.

We all know that smoking is injurious to health. But, do you even know how harmful sitting or leading a sedentary lifestyle is? With economies being progressing day after day and the standard of living of people just rising day after day, it’s quite obvious that we rely on gadgets and electronics to do most of the work for us. This kind of inactivity can be the root cause of most disease like cardiovascular diseases, obesity, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, colon cancer etc. Shocked?? Yes it’s true. So I guess it’s just the perfect time to jump out of that couch you have been hugging all day long.

A lot of you might argue that almost about half of the day I stay at work, where all I have to do is sit in front of the computer, so where do I get the chance to be actively walking. I agree with you, but, by incorporating little changes in your office time, you can actually be active, for instance take the stairs instead of the lift, during lunch hour break, don’t just sit in your comfy cabin and eat up your lunch, instead go to the cafeteria and snack down, take excuse to pee and go to a bathroom that is a bit far so you can increase your walking time.

These little changes can actually make a lot of difference in the end. If you are a homemaker or work from your home, you definitely enjoy more liberty than the office goers and you can deliberately attempt to be more active. Doing household chores is a good option, play with your pets, feed them, play the music and just groove; dancing amounts to both exercising and fun or you can take up an outdoor hobby like gardening, nature photography etc. There are plenty of other options, for example in your kitchen, make a high-rise table where you can have your food without sitting or you can do other kitchen chores like cutting and peeling. It’s all about getting creative and active at the same time. It is a choice to lead a healthy life, which the sooner you make the better it is for you.

As people starts earning more and more, their lifestyle become more and more sedentary and it’s only a matter of time before they fall prey to the hands of sitting disease. So, be active. Add more physical activities in your daily schedule and also make a daily habit of exercising. If you are not a morning person, make it a point to exercise in the evenings, but do exercise. You can jazz up your exercise routine by trying different activities like dancing, swimming, yoga, skipping etc. Basically, do something that excites you.

Exercising and physical activity in your daily regime is a must not only to be disease free but also to age gracefully. By being physically active and exercising every day, you provide your body and mind to lead a healthy and a stress free life. So, don’t wait to die old and haggard instead switch over to exercising and embrace old age gracefully.

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Posted by on May 27, 2015 in health


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