Tag Archives: strong



Originally written for my Diary

The Plum Tree

Standing in the middle of our backyard kitchen garden, is the plum tree. I don’t exactly remember who planted it; most obviously it must have been my father. He is the one, in our entire family who’s totally into planting trees, vegetables, flowers, you just name it. I am totally sure, most of the vegetables and fruits which are available locally, finds its way into our kitchen garden. But today, I am not going to talk here about my father and his hobbies. I am here to talk about our PLUM TREE.

 The reason why I am going to talk about our plum tree is because; it actually inspired me to write something. See, I am a big advocate of living in complete harmony with nature. You know we can learn a lot of valuable lessons from the nature around us. It is a constant source of inspiration to us. If we remain out there, in complete touch with nature, it will definitely help us to stay motivated, to progress ahead, heal our despairs and above all to be true to ourselves, by being in complete peace with our own selves. 

 It is the month of February, our plum tree has started blossoming, new leaves has also started coming up. I felt as if the plum tree must be very happy. After facing the spine chilling cold winters triumphantly, it seems, as if it emerged as a winner. When the entire world took comfort within the warmth of their cosy blanket, the plum tree was out there, completely bare, exposed to the cold chilly weather.

 Just imagine the courage of the plum tree. When the trees nearby it retained their crowned glory (leaves), the plum-tree had none. Still it didn’t deter the plum tree to  stand still, it didn’t give up to the harsh winter, to take a toll on itself, it didn’t fall prey to the humiliation it has to suffer after losing all the leaves and standing bare.

Most of all it didn’t lose hope. It remembered the pleasant memories of its white blossoms, the cherry red fruit, and the beautiful green leaf. It gave the plum tree the hope to stay put and to not give up. And what do you think happened next? The spring time arrived soon and now it’s time for the plum tree to rejoice as it started blossoming. Oh! What a beautiful sight it is. I could stand there all day long and keep on gazing at the beauty of the plum tree.

You know there is something which we can learn from nature. Nature in itself is the greatest of teachers. Now, you must be really anxious about what lesson did I learn from the plum tree? The lesson that I learned from the plum tree is simple. In one word if I have to describe it, it would be RESILIENCE.

We all must have this quality within us. Specially, in today’s world of man eat man situation. If we stop being resilient, it is very easy to lose sight of our goals or to easily get deviated from our goals. Like every day is not Sunday, in the same manner we may not always enjoy a smooth ride in our day to day situations, there is ought to be highs and lows.

In our highs we would be all fine and happy. But it is our lows that can break us, if we let it break us. The wiser section will not let their lows break them by being resilient. So, be resilient. And do let me know, whether you liked this article or not. I’ll be waiting for your feedback.


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Posted by on May 11, 2015 in feelings, happiness, inner peace, nature


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Affirmations: How You Can Incorporate Them In Your Daily Routine To Make The Most Of Your Life.

Affirmations: How You Can Incorporate Them In Your Daily Routine To Make The Most Of Your Life.

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Okay, let’s admit it, that, there comes a point in our lives when each one of us feels depressed, unmotivated, no urge to move on and almost on the verge of giving up on our dreams or just being satisfied with low to mediocre results. Why does this happen? You might ask as well. The answer in all probability is within you. It happens not because you are not talented enough or not smart or intelligent enough, but it happens because you are low in motivation. So, what’s the solution here? This question might pop up in your mind right now. Well, many a times what we do is we try to seek support from our family and friends and at times they do provide us with the required solace. But, you cannot knock on their door each time you feel low. Could you? No, I guess. So, that’s when you can take the help of affirmations. If you know what affirmations are, then it’s great, you already have the key to lifelong motivation and you should incorporate them in your daily routine as soon as possible. And for those of you who do not have any idea regarding affirmations or how to incorporate them in your life, this article is all for you. So, from here I do a basic Q&A round so that the questions that you might have in your mind are answered sequentially.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are basically statements of positive thinking that revitalizes our thoughts, thus uplifting our spirits each day.

How can we use affirmations in our daily life?

That’s quite easy. Just display it somewhere where you could see it every day as soon as you wake up from you sleep. There is nothing better than to start your day on a good note. In your office, you can stick it up in your cubicle. But remember one thing affirmations are statements that help you purify your thoughts and motivate you. Your thoughts should culminate into action, and then only you will be rewarded. If you let you thoughts remain as thoughts by not taking any action, they will automatically go to the trash bin of your brain.

Could you give some examples of affirmation?

Some of the affirmations that I use are mentioned below.

  1. I build my own future.
  2. I choose my own feelings and I am least bothered by others vain attempts to make me feel bad.
  3. The source of happiness is within me and nothing can disrupt the flow of happiness to my life.
  4. I love my job; it may not be the highest paying job in the world. But, it is what is keeping the passion in me alive.
  5. I might go through a bad day. Who does not? But what differs me from the rest is that I do not give up.
  6. I am at complete peace with myself. And that inner peace in me radiates in my work, my life and relationship.
  7. I would rather make a mistake and learn, than playing it safe and regretting for the rest of my life.

Remember one thing you can also make your own affirmations. This could be any positive statement that makes you feel good and motivates you to push your limits and excel in your life. So, don’t forget to give it a try. And also if you loved this article or feel that this article has benefited you in any small manner, don’t forget to give your feedback. Your feedback’s are much valued.


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Let go of your fears and doubts.

“I release myself of my fears and doubts. Fears and doubts are nothing but stumbling blocks. I am strong with limitless possibility.”

So this is my first blog post ever. You know from the first time I thought of blogging, my mind has always been haunted with fears and doubts like whether people will like my blog or not? What if they don’t like? What if people will make fun of things? And these fears and doubts have actually stopped me from venturing into the blogging world sooner. But then, one fine day I thought that enough of these fears and doubts. I told myself, ‘let go of this fears and doubts, they are not doing me any good.’ And eventually when I let go of my fears and doubts, I found that it made me more courageous and the result was in front of me, I started my own blog, yay!!This is the case with most of us, we want to try new things, be successful in our respective careers, make successful businesses and lead a comfortable life. We envision the new things we want to try in our life but when the time comes to actually try it out practically, most of the times we back out or keep on delaying by fooling ourselves with thoughts like,let me gain some more knowledge or let me be a little more perfect. And without our knowledge this turns into a vicious cycle, wherein we get ourselves trapped. A few emerge victorious but the rest of us keep moving round and round until we find out that it has already become too late and keep regretting for the rest of our lives. Do you want to lead such a life? I guess you are all saying a big no in unison. So, ladies whatever you want to do or dreaming about doing for a long time, but could not because you are held prisoner by your fears and doubts, just knock out your fears and doubts by giving a big punch on its face and embrace your dreams with open arms before it gets too late or runs out of fuel of your passion.



Posted by on May 6, 2015 in inspiration, motivation


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